Three Fundamental Areas of Life Jyotish Analysis Package
Three Fundamental Areas of Life Jyotish Analysis Package
The package consists of:
3x 80 minutes Jyotish Analysis Session
Gift - 2x 30 minutes Miracle Frequency with Tesla machine Session
First Jyotish Analysis Session:
Health Analysis
Second Jyotish Analysis Session:
Job, Career and money Analysis
Third Jyotish Analysis Session:
Partner relationship Analysis
Miracle frequency with Tesla machine Sessions:
Healing the needed aspect of the life with high vibrational frequencies that restore harmony where is missing.
The package will be fulfilled within 4 to 6 weeks from the date of the start of the first Jyotish session. Tesla machine sessions available every Saturday and Sunday of the month after the Jyotish analysis are fulfilled.
This package is ideal for:
1) People that are new to Jyotish and the Jyotish analysis sessions and who would like to receive an overview of their astrological circumstances regarding the three fundamental areas of life
2)People that have already had some Jyotish analysis, but never really an in-depth one dedicating 80 min to analyze each of the three fundamental areas of Life:
- Health
- Job, Career and money
- Partner relationship